Le Fare Tehueo
What does the name of your Fare/Bungalow mean?
Tehueo is our Marquesan Papau❤ (Grandfather).Arenowned sculptor and an awesome person. He integrated us into the local life, learned the thousand and one facets of Marquesas art and allowed us to feel "at home" in this land of adoption that are the Marquesas, Henua Enana, the Landof Men.
We would like to pay tribute to this great multi-island family thathas welcomed us for more than fifteen years.
Your 25 m2 tiny private home is located in our 1,600 m2 sprawling
tropical garden on the edge of the forest at an altitude of 100
meters, 10 minutes walk from all the shops and sites to visit in the
main town of Taiohaè (Capital of the Marquesas).
Your accommodation is new. Your rustic wooden bungalow has
been individually designed and built by your hosts and the interior
presents a distinctive Marquesan character.
It comes with a room with a king size bed (180x200), a bathroom
with a balneo shower and hot water and a private terrace.
You will benefit from your own Wifi connection. 4G connection is
also available on cell phones.
Sheets, pillows and towels are provided
Just you and us in touch with the local life, the Nature and its
natural wonders.
More photos on the French page
'' Fare Tehueo''